One of the things that I like the most about Fresh 20, is that many recipes contain ingredients I have never used, and in some cases, never even heard of. This week, it featured a dish with broccoli rabe (also known as Broccoli Raab or Rapini), which, I had no idea what it was. I couldn’t even find it in the produce section until I looked it up online and discovered it under the name “rapini.”

This recipe featured hot Italian sausage with the casing removed, bell peppers, garlic, Rapini, Trader Joes rice medley, olive oil, lemon juice, basil, and simple salt and pepper seasoning. It was quite tasty and pretty light, and very simple to make, needed just one saute pan. I think I like the rapini and sasauge comba and I likely will explore this new (to me) vegatable again.

Sausage, Pepper, & Rabe Medley w/ Rice
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