MulchWorlds Server Update

security and privacy

Good news! This update is all about your security and privacy!

SSL has been enabled and enforced site wide.

Also to note, we have taken steps to enforce that all 3rd party content complies with a browsers Do Not Track policy. These steps should put us in compliance for both the EU and California rules regarding internet tracking.

To opt in to the Do Not Track functionality of this site, you must…

Soft Opening

Soft Opening

Hello There,
Yes, we quietly went live a few weeks ago. It has been a stress test of sorts, to deal with bots and randoms who found their way here, under consistent load. Cache response seems over 90% stable and implemented based on things learned during this initial stress testing (bots are RELENTLESS).

We have 100% kept spam posts away from registering and deflected a ridiculous and persistent series of attacks. I am not promising…
